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new skin and i love it so muchh !
Wednesday 3 June 2009

guys .
finally , i can change my skin !
yeahhhh... !
[norak sekali saya ini]
i love it so muchhh (:

btw i feel so happy today. i really really have funn (:

o iya , i got a homework from jie Joan

Let’s start with the easiest

1. What is your full name?
Vania Evan

2. Yor age?
12 this year

3. Your hometown?

And now, we go to the point

4. Do you like animes? (if no, directly go to number 9. If yes, go to number 5)

5. Whats your fave? (3 only, please) -

6. Why do you like the second one? -

7. Will you like number one, like, forever?

8. Number 3, is it hentai?

9. Why you dont like animes? (if you like animes, directly go to number 11)
idk. saya tidak tertarik. [english na ap ya?]

10. Do you ever think about liking animes? (after this, yer done)


11. who is your favorite character from number one?

12. What is your favorite OST of number 2?

13. Last question. Tag it please. At least 3

to all who want do ths hw , just copy it , okay ?

and this is an award from Ivonth
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

thanks (:

23:58 | back to top


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